Our Impact Grant recipients provide much-needed support, resources, and opportunities to make their communities a place where those most in need can thrive.
Meet our Grantee Partners
NICI Grant Supports Energy Efficiency in TREND Community Development Corporation’s Commercial Corridors
TREND Community Development Corporation takes an innovative approach to commercial development by creating green opportunities that address climate change and improve the environmental and economic health of communities of color.
OAI, Inc. is Paving the Way for Clean Energy Jobs in the Southland Through NICI Support
OAI, Inc. has supported the South Suburban Cook County workforce for 40+ years, but the organization keeps looking to the future through commercial opportunities that support environmental health and job safety.
The Southland Development Authority’s First NICI Impact Grant is a Step Towards Regional Prosperity
The Southland has seen decades of disinvestment and job loss, but SDA’s financial investment tool seeks to bring transformative and inclusive economic growth in the region.
NICI Invests in Workforce Development Through Proactive Community Services
PCS is strengthening the economic mobility of South Suburban Cook County by empowering individuals with job readiness while forging partnerships with employers.
The Harvey Brooks Foundation Receives NICI Impact Grant to Combat Joliet’s Food Desert
The Harvey Brooks Foundation has a holistic approach to economic mobility with programs that address food insecurity, education, job readiness, and more.
The Think Big! School of Business in Rockford is Growing Through NICI Support
NICI awards its third grant to Think Big! to expand resources that support the economic vitality of minority and women-owned businesses in the region.
NICI Impact Grant Supports Successful Student Completion of YW TechLab
Stipends for YWCA Northwestern Illinois’ IT sector workforce training program will provide the extra resources needed to support childcare, transportation, internet, and more.
Impact Grant will allow nonprofit to hire a case manager to focus on barriers to employment
Why did a nonprofit founded to promote HIV prevention and testing in low-income communities do a hard pivot to become an employment solutions provider?
Think Big! School of Business helps aspiring entrepreneurs do it right
A Rockford woman wanted to open a soul food restaurant. She signed a lease for a 1,500-square-foot space and hired seven employees but didn’t purchase a POS system.
Harvey Brooks Foundation grows its own to combat food insecurity
There’s a popular proverb that says, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
YW Tech Lab trains underrepresented groups for living-wage STEM careers
It’s a fact that women, Blacks and Hispanics are the least likely to major in science and engineering in college. Even when they do, they aren’t as likely to remain on a STEM career path through graduation.
School of Business Wins NICI Grant to Launch More Entrepreneurial Dreams
Think Big!, founded in 2018, helps disadvantaged entrepreneurs overcome barriers to establishing and growing their own businesses.
Nonprofit trains youth in community gardening to address grocery shortages
Melvin Leach, a case worker for the Harvey Brooks Foundation of Joliet, is aware of the lack of grocery stores in the city’s predominately African American neighborhoods. But living in a food desert hits harder some days than others, he said.
New Mobility Collaborative Sets Motion for More Growth in Illinois
A common focus shared by officials and local leaders throughout Illinois is cultivating its communities and infrastructure.